We focus on enhancing academic enrichment, life skills, health and wellbeing, family engagement, community responsiveness and cultural enrichment, through the partnership and collaboration with Mano a Mano Foundation, North County Health Services, faculty and students from local universities and colleges, Survivors of Torture, law enforcement, Universidad Popular, and local school districts.
We are open Monday to Friday from 2 PM to 6 PM and located at Centro Universidad Popular, 1234 North Santa Fe Avenue, Suite 100 Vista California 92083
If you have any questions or need more information please contact Angelica Santiago, Project Coordinator, via email: [email protected] or phone 760-750-3512.
Interested in donating to Homie UP YEP?
At this moment Homie UP YEP is accepting donations. Please, contact us to clarify on the items that are needed and to set a date and time for pick up or drop off of the items.
Want to introduce Homie UP YEP to your students?
Please, contact us if you are interested in an in-class presentation, tabling and/or will want to set up a meeting to learn more about Homie UP YEP.
For more information call 760.750.3512.
Follow us on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/HomieUP/
Homie UP YEP Location
Centro Comunitario Universidad Popular
1234 North Santa Fe Avenue, Suite 100
Vista California 92083
Monday - Friday
2 pm- 6 pm
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